Our Renewable Energy Division is dedicated to offering environmentally conscious solutions that align with your priorities for safety, cost-effectiveness, and performance.

Whether you require solar, wind, or energy storage solutions, we are here to support you throughout the planning, manufacturing, and construction stages for your project.

Our Renewables Division has completed the engineering for a high capacity, zero emission automated backup power station in 4kW, 8kW, 16kW and 80kW increments.

For off-gridders and owners of commercial or industrial businesses who require a cost-effective and high-capacity backup power and grid offset, we offer a very competitive solution that uses the Sun, Wind and Water.  Our solution:

  • Has the ability to store large amounts of clean energy – Generate hydrogen on-site and store it in a tank tailored to your needs, offering storage options equivalent to one day, one week, or one month of energy capacity.

  • More Efficient – 60% efficiency compared to 25% for internal combustible engine (e.g. diesel generators)

  • Is vendor agnostic, modular and scalable design which offers a lower TCO (Total Cost of Ownership) – just add a few gallons of water and your renewable power hookup, then scale up production and storage as your needs grow. Use a convenient cloud application for maintenance and switch out components with ease.

  • Uses less space and quieter – our model 4KW-H2 has a cabinet footprint of only 20 square feet and hardly makes any noise when compared to other energy storage solutions.

  • Mission Critical – Automatically switches between 2 sources of renewable energy and grid power ensuring your backup tank is always full.

  • Software will use Machine Learning to optimize production and predict failure, specific to the installed site.

Interested in deploying our power station or becoming a partner?

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